“Composition as part of music education forms part of complex processes of learning and growth. Creative inventing offers no ready-made or ‘correct’ solutions; instead, it requires the inventor to come up with new ideas and new ways of thinking, understanding and acting. Nourishing such a creative attitude to music and engaging in a critical reappraisal of musical practices are goals at least as important as social engagement in musical culture and instrument performance skills.” – Heidi Partti
Assignments on various topics
About teaching
Recommendation for the national core curriculum for basic education in the arts
Composition pedagogy is an emerging and developing discipline in the constantly changing arts sector.
Articles about teaching
Can anyone learn how to compose? How to get started on the pathway to composing? Why is composing a particularly recommendable pursuit for people of all ages? Read what composers, educators and scholars have to say about composition and about teaching composition.
Stories, improv and continuous motion – Thoughts about teaching composition
”This article is a discussion of my thoughts about teaching composition and an illustration of the process through sets of assignments that I have devised for the Opus 1 website.” – Markku Klami
Student-oriented composition teaching
“The purpose of student-oriented composition teaching is to identify the musical strengths of children and adolescents – though without forgetting about all the things that still need improvement.” – Pasi Lyytikäinen