Small assignment: Organise measures and vary them
This simple exercise where students make choices from predetermined material is a good introduction to the world of composition.
Assignment author
Minimum time required
Goal and output
Pedagogical goal
Coaching for musical invention on a small scale
Concrete output
Melodic fragments that can be harmonised or provided with a second part
Work progress
• Give the students 10 measures of music, for instance.
• Have them sing (or play) these measures. Make observations about the melodies, intervals (if already learned), keys, rhythms and moods.
• Have the students, individually or in pairs, select the measures they think are the most interesting (3 to 8 measures) and arrange them as they like. They can vary the melody and rhythm if they choose and repeat measures or motifs.
• Perform and listen to the results and comment on them.
• At the next stage, create a second part to accompany the fragments created and/or harmonise them. Decide which instrument(s) should play the melody and which should play the second part.
• In later lessons, you may transpose the melodies and have the students continue the melodies, composing freely.
• Perform and listen to the results and comment on them.
Topics in the assignment
Musical structures and analysis
Playing an instrument & singing
Notation & music terminology
Arranging & parts
Music technology
Styles & techniques
Imagination & other arts
Detailed description of tools
Voice, own instrument, keyboards or classroom instruments.
Further assignments
Assignment suitable for further study